27 March 2006

Agenda and Packet for April 2006 UUA Board Meeting

The meeting packet for the April 2006 Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board of Trustees can be found online here:


Some items of interest in this packet are the following reports and documents (all require Adobe Acrobat reader software):

Report of the Pathways Review Panel (contains "lessons learned" from Dallas - Ft. Worth large church project)

Lifespan Faith Development (contains info on the Our Whole Lives for Young Adults curriculum that will be field testing between September and December 2006).

Special Review Commission Report – Final Report (contains findings and recommendations from the events surrounding the closing ceremony incidents at the 2005 Ft. Worth UUA General Assembly)

Unitarian Universalist Youth Ministry Survey Results Now Online

Between January and February 2006, current and former Unitarian Universalist youth between the ages of 12 and 20 were asked to participate in a survey to find out how we can create diverse and robust youth ministry programs (plural - not singular) that serve all Unitarian Universalist youth.

A summary of the results tabulated from this survey can be found online (requires Adobe Acrobat PDF to read).

This survey is the first step in the "Consultation on Ministry to and with Youth."

This consultation is a two-year process to revision, renew and support our Association's ministry to and with youth. It will solicit the input and commitment of the widest possible spectrum of stakeholders in Unitarian Universalist youth ministry. Conversations within congregations, districts, and stakeholder organizations will focus on what they can do to support youth ministry at their level, and what the Association can do to support youth ministry as a whole.